Monday, April 28, 2008
Creating Light Reflectors for Film making
Creating Light Reflectors for Film making
This time in vacations me and some of my class mates have decided to shoot a tele-drama. I am writing the script these days, so that as soon, as my vacations start, we get onto the production phase.
Off course we need to make some equipment for production, like lighting equipments. One of the cheapest and effective ways, to light your characters is to create reflectors. I think this functions very good under sun light. For example.. its an outdoor scene and your character is well lit on one side, but on his other side obviously the sun light is blocked. So that side is dark compared to the other side, which is facing the sun light. For that we require Reflectors so that we can reflect the light onto the other side of the character.
Things you need:
Aluminum Foil
Thermo coal (or CardBoard)
Sticking Tap
Put it together:
1- Cut the thermo coal(or CardBoard) in a rectangular shape, by the way it could be any shape you desire. But it is better to cut it in a box type shape.
2- After that just paste the Aluminum foil on the thermocouple(or CardBoard) with the help of Sticking Tap.
That’s all there is for creating reflectors. See yaa…
Happy reflecting…
Children of Heaven: Truely a Master Piece

Our teacher asked whether anyone has seen any Irani film. Everyone was silent, even me. I was feeling very bad, that why I haven’t seen any Irani Film. I had heard about the the Revolution of Irani Cinema, but didn’t know about any of the Irani films. Suddenly one of the class mates raised his hand and started telling about the Irani movie that he had seen. He started like this. “Mam I had seen an irani movie, its about two brothers and sisters. The sister’s shoes are lost by his brother. Then they share the one pair of shoes while going to the school….”
By this time, I got the flash backs in my mind. I said on impulse, with a bit high pitched voice, “Yes mam I have seen this movie too, in my childhood days…”
I was feeling very excited, first because that movie had touched my heart. I loved the movie, the simplicity in it, the feeling of love, and those cute faces (ALI and ZAHRA) the way they fought with those challenges was very inspirational.
Second that, i felt better to know that one of others have seen this movie too. After the class, I couldn’t resist talking about that movie with that class mate of mine.
When I came home, I talked with my siblings about that movie. I promised them that I will purchase that movie in one or two day. Then after two days, I purchased the movie, and I watched it with my family. Though the movie was in Farsi(and English subtitles). But the simplicity of the movie and outstanding piece of acting shown by the characters in the movie, especially that of Ali, didn’t require us to understand the oral language, because we were able to understand everything through the emotions of the film.
Well …I loved the movie. It was so touching; I couldn’t stop seeing it again and again. I think this movie should be shown in every school, the movie teaches us about love, care, and doing struggle for what you want to get. But I think I cant describe in words what this movie really teaches…its all about feelings…Truly a master piece.
Monday, January 28, 2008
What is life? I some times ask myself. Is it about living and passing the days, just because of the sack of passing your days? Is it all about enjoying the every piece of life? Or is it struggling and achieving greater goals? Well….
I think life is all about learning, and achieving greater goals. It’s about discovering yourself and making yourself better and better each day through out this journey of life, so that you can be efficient enough to discover what this wonderful life has to offer.
Setting goals and working on those goals is the most important thing in the life. Without goals, our life would be meaningless, and we would be living this life, just for the sack of living.
Goals should be real, that means they should be something that a human being can achieve. They should also be measurable, meaning that one should be able to recognize that how much and what efforts are needed for achieving those goals. And off course the goals should be positive, something that can be done for the betterment of yourself and others.
Achievement of goals requires passion, a burning desire from within that keeps on motivating you. Boredom and lethargic feelings are not acceptable; the person needs to be active at the all time. He has to stick to his belief that he can do it. No matter what kind of obstacles he faces, he shouldn’t give up. With that belief he should keep on working on his goals, and keep on persisting. There will be times, that there is no obvious hope and the person wouldn’t be getting any tangible results, despite of his handwork. But that’s where the person is actually tested; he has to be patient there. And with unshakable motivation, he should stick to his beliefs with full determination, and eventually he will achieve his goals.
But what about the kind of life, that most of the people pass – that is a life without any goals. They are still happy; they enjoy every bit of life, by doing what they want to do. Rather than doing what they should do. They have no tendency to grow from their current status of life, do something extra-ordinary or achieve something which is of a greater value. They keep on practicing what they already have been practicing since a long time, they don’t want to change for the betterment. They are happy with their current life, and want to live it in that particular way.
So in conclusion, who are better? Those who strive for change, and therefore face a lot of obstacles and problem, but off course in the end they achieve their goals. Or those who think that they don’t need to change, they don’t need to achieve any goals, they are just happy with, what they are and what life is for them???
I think life is all about learning, and achieving greater goals. It’s about discovering yourself and making yourself better and better each day through out this journey of life, so that you can be efficient enough to discover what this wonderful life has to offer.
Setting goals and working on those goals is the most important thing in the life. Without goals, our life would be meaningless, and we would be living this life, just for the sack of living.
Goals should be real, that means they should be something that a human being can achieve. They should also be measurable, meaning that one should be able to recognize that how much and what efforts are needed for achieving those goals. And off course the goals should be positive, something that can be done for the betterment of yourself and others.
Achievement of goals requires passion, a burning desire from within that keeps on motivating you. Boredom and lethargic feelings are not acceptable; the person needs to be active at the all time. He has to stick to his belief that he can do it. No matter what kind of obstacles he faces, he shouldn’t give up. With that belief he should keep on working on his goals, and keep on persisting. There will be times, that there is no obvious hope and the person wouldn’t be getting any tangible results, despite of his handwork. But that’s where the person is actually tested; he has to be patient there. And with unshakable motivation, he should stick to his beliefs with full determination, and eventually he will achieve his goals.
But what about the kind of life, that most of the people pass – that is a life without any goals. They are still happy; they enjoy every bit of life, by doing what they want to do. Rather than doing what they should do. They have no tendency to grow from their current status of life, do something extra-ordinary or achieve something which is of a greater value. They keep on practicing what they already have been practicing since a long time, they don’t want to change for the betterment. They are happy with their current life, and want to live it in that particular way.
So in conclusion, who are better? Those who strive for change, and therefore face a lot of obstacles and problem, but off course in the end they achieve their goals. Or those who think that they don’t need to change, they don’t need to achieve any goals, they are just happy with, what they are and what life is for them???
A bad experience...
I was working on my computer, and also listening to Hamza. I am not much of a talkative person, but I don’t think he minded that much. He was just talking and I was listening to him. I had a lot of work to do on the computer, but still I tried my best to be interactive with him.
Hamza is my relative. He lives in another city(town). But since two years or so, he has been working in Army. He is not that of a fighting soldier. He just works in a particular unit. The works usually change, sometimes they probably have to dig a hole, sometimes cook food, or guard a portion of the unit’s territory. It’s a tough job working in army, at such a lower designation. Because army is a much disciplined sector. They have everything properly set up at their units. And it’s all because of the working armies, the lower designations. They don’t usually get enough sleep. Even if they have done all of their tasks, and are having a rest. An emergency task can easily interrupt their sleep, and they must do that work. Sacrificing their precious sleep.
Hamza had just got his holidays, 20 days of holidays, which also included the Eid. He had come to stay one night with us, and then he was going to another city where he lives.
Earlier that day my mom had bring me a sweater. It was very cold those days, and mom very badly wanted me to wear, a sweater. But I didn’t like the sweater that she brought. It had too much bright color in it. And it was having a very high contrast. Which I really didn’t like, I wanted a color which was more of a soft and dull color. I told my mom that I can’t wear that; I will purchase a sweater on my own.
When Hamza came, he wasn’t wearing any sweater. He told me that he had forgotten his sweater back at the army quarter. When he got to know about my sweater. He said that he is going to purchase it from me. As I am already not going to use it, and he needs one very badly so my mom decided to give him the sweater. Hamza reached his pocket for getting the money but he immediately had a very shocked expression on his face. It looked as if he was missing something – most probably the money. He tried in the other pocket. But he didn’t find it there too. We on noticing him so tensed, asked him the reason. He said that he had 7000 rupees in his left pocket. But now all are missing.
Hamza had traveled in two busses from his army campus to reach our home. And obviously as the money was in the right pocket. So it was very easy for anyone to pick the money from his pocket. 7000 rupees, are not less than anything for such a poor person. He gets 4000 rupees for working a whole month. And worse, those 7000 rupees were advance money that he had request from them. That means he still has to work for those money. As it was during Eid time, so they gave him this much money in advance. Poor Hamza!! We all felt sorry for him. My mom was continuously cursing those, who had taken his money. And also advising Hamza to never keep that money in his right pocket. He should have kept his money in his bag. That was very much secure from the pocket pickers.
During this time, I was totally silent. And was feeling very sorry for Hamza. I was thinking that why people are becoming so cruel. We call ourselves Muslims. But still we are proved to be one of the worst nations. Praying to the God Five times and fasting in the month of Ramadan, we think that we are done with our Job. And after this we proudly badmouth others, hurt and kill others, disrespect those who are less in status from us. Betray each other. And at the same time don’t feel any kind of shame for this. Is this the right way of pleasing God, by not respecting and hurting his creations.
That person while taking Hamza’s money, didn’t feel any kind of pity? Hamza with simple cloths and a simple face, and a bag – which made it very clear that he is not someone from this city and is from a rural side of the country, he had come here for work and now he is going to his town for celebrating the Eid with his family. And money that he had, was supposed to be spent on his family for Eid Celebration. But no such kind of kind thought would have come in the mind of that person. Why should he be worried about that? He prays to the God five times and does fasting in the month of Ramazan. He has no other thing to worry about. Not even if someone is being harmed by him. He doesn’t have to think about it..!..!?
Hamza is my relative. He lives in another city(town). But since two years or so, he has been working in Army. He is not that of a fighting soldier. He just works in a particular unit. The works usually change, sometimes they probably have to dig a hole, sometimes cook food, or guard a portion of the unit’s territory. It’s a tough job working in army, at such a lower designation. Because army is a much disciplined sector. They have everything properly set up at their units. And it’s all because of the working armies, the lower designations. They don’t usually get enough sleep. Even if they have done all of their tasks, and are having a rest. An emergency task can easily interrupt their sleep, and they must do that work. Sacrificing their precious sleep.
Hamza had just got his holidays, 20 days of holidays, which also included the Eid. He had come to stay one night with us, and then he was going to another city where he lives.
Earlier that day my mom had bring me a sweater. It was very cold those days, and mom very badly wanted me to wear, a sweater. But I didn’t like the sweater that she brought. It had too much bright color in it. And it was having a very high contrast. Which I really didn’t like, I wanted a color which was more of a soft and dull color. I told my mom that I can’t wear that; I will purchase a sweater on my own.
When Hamza came, he wasn’t wearing any sweater. He told me that he had forgotten his sweater back at the army quarter. When he got to know about my sweater. He said that he is going to purchase it from me. As I am already not going to use it, and he needs one very badly so my mom decided to give him the sweater. Hamza reached his pocket for getting the money but he immediately had a very shocked expression on his face. It looked as if he was missing something – most probably the money. He tried in the other pocket. But he didn’t find it there too. We on noticing him so tensed, asked him the reason. He said that he had 7000 rupees in his left pocket. But now all are missing.
Hamza had traveled in two busses from his army campus to reach our home. And obviously as the money was in the right pocket. So it was very easy for anyone to pick the money from his pocket. 7000 rupees, are not less than anything for such a poor person. He gets 4000 rupees for working a whole month. And worse, those 7000 rupees were advance money that he had request from them. That means he still has to work for those money. As it was during Eid time, so they gave him this much money in advance. Poor Hamza!! We all felt sorry for him. My mom was continuously cursing those, who had taken his money. And also advising Hamza to never keep that money in his right pocket. He should have kept his money in his bag. That was very much secure from the pocket pickers.
During this time, I was totally silent. And was feeling very sorry for Hamza. I was thinking that why people are becoming so cruel. We call ourselves Muslims. But still we are proved to be one of the worst nations. Praying to the God Five times and fasting in the month of Ramadan, we think that we are done with our Job. And after this we proudly badmouth others, hurt and kill others, disrespect those who are less in status from us. Betray each other. And at the same time don’t feel any kind of shame for this. Is this the right way of pleasing God, by not respecting and hurting his creations.
That person while taking Hamza’s money, didn’t feel any kind of pity? Hamza with simple cloths and a simple face, and a bag – which made it very clear that he is not someone from this city and is from a rural side of the country, he had come here for work and now he is going to his town for celebrating the Eid with his family. And money that he had, was supposed to be spent on his family for Eid Celebration. But no such kind of kind thought would have come in the mind of that person. Why should he be worried about that? He prays to the God five times and does fasting in the month of Ramazan. He has no other thing to worry about. Not even if someone is being harmed by him. He doesn’t have to think about it..!..!?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Some memories of the past..
Aaah those were the days...
Very careless, not much to think about, not much to worry about, childhood is truely agift from God.
I still remember, how happy i was to purchase a Sega Consolve Game. One of my friendalready had it. Actually, before purchasing my own Sega Consolve, i had played thegame at his house. I was totally amused by it. And really wanted that game badly. Andfinally after a lot of requests to my mom and dad, they finally purchased the game for me.
On a very fine sunday, i purchased the game. I couldnt wait to tell my friend Ahsan(one that already had that game) about the game. Next day at School, i told him, during recess time. He was very happy to hear about it. Soon we started to play the game together. He used to come at my home and sometimes i used to go at his.
The first disk, that i purchased for Sega was Street Fighters. And man, was it cool!!! It was totally amazing!! I was a great fan of the game, even before i purchased its disk. I used to play it on local video games shops. Though my parents were against it. Because, theyknew that spoiled kids come at games shops, they fight and use slangs. And obviously my parents didnt want me to be a spoiled kid. But i was too obssessed to the games, and used to go to gamesshops, without their knowledge. I know its wrong, but to be honest at that time, i didnt realisewhy my parents didnt allow me to go to Video Games Shop. They were just against it, thats alli knew. If for example, some one would have asked me at that time why my parents didnt allow me to go the Games Shop, the answer from my side would had been nothing. My mind never had thought about it that time.

And now at home, i was addicted to that game. I used to play the game quite often, in differentparts of the day. Which i think, could easily make 6-8 hours of gaming. My favorite playerwas Ken. I love all of his stylish moves, specially the one in which, he used to jump in theair, and giving a very solid punch. Though at times, it was very hard to do, but i eventually learned it. And then used to do it quite often.The game, that me and my friend used to play, at home was Ninja Turtles. It was a great game,as already i used to watch its cartoon show on tv. So i loved the game too. My friend wasvery good at it. There was scoring indicator which used to show, that how many enemies u havekilled. My friend was very good at the game, he used to kill about 100-150 in single round,where i could harldy kill 40-50. It was very fun, not even we were doing team work, we even had competition with each other.
Though like any other kid i was also careless and having fun with life. But at the same time,i was very good at studies. I was one of the most hardworking students in my Class. As my parents were very serious about my studies. So they alwasy forced to me to do more writting and reading, than playing games or wasting my time in other activities. It was during sixthclass that i faced very much problems, in English. Becuase I had just moved to a New PrivateSchool. As before that i was in [Not English Medium] School. So Suddenly getting shifted tohighly English medium School was something really challenging for me. But thanks to my Dad, I not only started learning English quickly but at the same time it became my most favoritesubject. Which obviously doubled my progress. I used to Read English story book, which i reallyloved. I even started going to the Library, i was totally amused by the story books there. Mydad used to drop me at the Library in the morning, and after lunch time he used to pick me up.
I used to be a very shy kid. I didnt used to talk much and was very much scared of strangers.Even in class I didnt used to ask questions or communicate with the Teacher. Though i wasvery good at studies. But i didnt have courage, to speak up in front of everyone.And i was also a very innocent and simple child. Once i remember my mom sent me to buy vegetables. I went to the vegetable shop, and told him to give me half a kilo gram of a particular vegetable[i dont remember which vegetable it was..heheh]. And he started putting the vegetables, in theshopper plastic, i suddenly stoped him and said, ok ok thats enough. Though it wasnt a halfa kilo gram. But i thought he was giving me more for free. So i gave him of a half a kiloscost, while having less than half a kilo of vegetable in the shopper. hehehe stupid me!
One of another funny event i remember, happend while we were gone to our relatives' place.They live in another city. We go there when we have our vacations, usually in June July.Ok it was like this, Me and my Maternal Uncle, were sitting outside the house. I saw twopolice officers going on the road, that was just in front of us. As they passed us, I for no reason called out "Police!". One of the police looked back at me. And then kept on going. But I got scared, becuase i didnt expected the police to look back at me. Though,they were gone, but i was still very scared. Then after sometime i went inside the house.I was so much scared, that it felt like i was sick. I thought that i have done something, verybad, and those Police guys are coming to get me. hehehehe
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