Monday, April 28, 2008

Creating Light Reflectors for Film making

Creating Light Reflectors for Film making
This time in vacations me and some of my class mates have decided to shoot a tele-drama. I am writing the script these days, so that as soon, as my vacations start, we get onto the production phase.
Off course we need to make some equipment for production, like lighting equipments. One of the cheapest and effective ways, to light your characters is to create reflectors. I think this functions very good under sun light. For example.. its an outdoor scene and your character is well lit on one side, but on his other side obviously the sun light is blocked. So that side is dark compared to the other side, which is facing the sun light. For that we require Reflectors so that we can reflect the light onto the other side of the character.


Things you need:
Aluminum Foil
Thermo coal (or CardBoard)
Sticking Tap

Put it together:

1- Cut the thermo coal(or CardBoard) in a rectangular shape, by the way it could be any shape you desire. But it is better to cut it in a box type shape.
2- After that just paste the Aluminum foil on the thermocouple(or CardBoard) with the help of Sticking Tap.

That’s all there is for creating reflectors. See yaa…

Happy reflecting…

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